Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vegetarian Bodybuilding - vegetarian protein

In my early days as a vego when I was training in martial arts full time I discovered it was an advantage to eat and not feel bloated, and have lots of energy. Later though when I announced I was going to try vegetarian bodybuilding I was met with a pretty sceptical audience. Not deterred, I learnt how to eat effectively to reach my goals. That was 20kgs ago, and most of my friends respect that I have stuck to my values and overcome a pretty big misconception – you need to eat meat to gain muscle.

In my short but full vegetarian bodybuilding journey I have tried everything that doesn’t work, from tanning badly to playing around with salt, but I guess that is part of the process it takes to win. I wouldn’t say embarrassing, but there had been plenty of humbling moments. I eat free range eggs, tofu, beans, nuts, cottage cheese, whey protein and certain grains like quinoa that provide me around 350 grams of protein per day.

At present I train one week in a commercial gym using the latest Hammer Strength equipment, doing large compound movements and using techniques such as unilateral isolation, high rep supersets, static contractions and pre-exhaustion. The following week I train at a power lifters club, focusing on the big three lifts with reps in the 1-5 range and employing accessory exercises like box squats, close grip block presses and rack pulls. This training is targeted towards my power lifting and overall strength goals.

In my short but full vegetarian bodybuilding journey I have tried everything that doesn’t work, from tanning badly to playing around with salt, but I guess that is part of the process it takes to win. I wouldn’t say embarrassing, but there had been plenty of humbling moments. I also use water running, inversion and massage for recovery.

Doing this gives my mind and body a variety of stimulus and for me provides an answer to the debate about the best way to train – which is they all have their place and no one routine is the absolute best. Moderate carbs, high protein low fat seems to work best for me. I have done the no carb keto diet and pretty much forgot what getting a pump was like! Whilst effective to lose fat, I think the body becomes inefficient at a certain point with no gas in the tank, i.e. glycogen.

I believe the mind and body are all one force and when you strengthen one the other gains in strength also. The process of disciplining yourself to reach a high standard of physique will make you a more focused person in other areas.

If you want to find out more go to this website here: Vegetarian Bodybuilding

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